The media landscape is going through fundamental change. To help level the playing field for freelance journalists, 新萄京娱乐开发了一套专业服务,作为专门会员类别的一部分:自由职业者.
• Professional indemnity and public liability insurance
• Contract advice
• Freelance Pro trustmark
In a fragmented media landscape, 作为我们这门手艺的合法从业者,脱颖而出正变得越来越重要. This is true whether you are a feature writer, specialist trade writer, reporter, blogger, multimedia designer, photographer, video journalist, or working in any other aspect of our industry.
新萄京娱乐认为,记者和媒体专业人员的自我监管是确保从业人员以最高道德和专业标准行事的最佳途径. As the union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists, 新萄京娱乐推出了自由职业,这样新萄京娱乐的自由记者成员就可以用专业的旗帜来展示他们的高标准,在这种旗帜下他们可以工作和推销自己.
As well as gaining access to services to support your business, Freelance Pro members of 新萄京娱乐 are encouraged to be well acquainted with the 新萄京娱乐 Journalist Code of Ethics and the latest developments in Australian media law. 自由职业会员有权使用一个新的信任标志,你可以在你的网站上显示, 博客和名片是你对新闻职业标准的个人承诺的标志.
On occasion, 新萄京娱乐 will organise a training course on the 新萄京娱乐 Journalist Code of Ethics and an examination of the current state of Australian media law. 自由职业会员被鼓励参加这些课程,这样他们就可以随时了解诽谤法和其他可能影响他们作为记者工作的领域的最新变化.
As a 新萄京娱乐 member, 你已经投保了旅行保险,如果你在上下班途中受伤,它会保护你. 在所有州,工人补偿不再为工人提供这种类型的保险, which makes 新萄京娱乐’s new Journey Protection Insurance an essential. 对于自由记者来说,这种类型的封面将是特别有益的. 新萄京娱乐’s journey insurance includes these benefits:
• Weekly benefits for injury resulting in temporary total disablement; and
• Weekly benefits for injury resulting in temporary partial disablement
• $500 for injury resulting in fractured bones
• $500 for injury resulting in loss of teeth or dental procedures
• Up to $1000 personal vehicle excess waiver, 包括超出部分的任何维修索赔,最高金额仍为1000美元, 受保成员的个人车辆因遗失或损坏而引致的累积损失或无索偿免税额,最高可获赔偿$500.
For Freelance Pro members, 新萄京娱乐提供多媒体和广泛的责任保险,以保护您和您的自由新闻业务. 来自会员和更广泛行业的反馈告诉我们,出版商越来越多地要求自由记者在越来越多的诉讼环境中获得专业赔偿保险. Using our strength of numbers, 我们可以以低于市场的价格为自由职业会员提供这种保险.
As a Freelance Pro member, 你可获得高达100万元的专业赔偿保障(包括诽谤及民事疏忽申索). Freelance Pro also includes public liability cover of up to $20 million. If you opt for this coverage, these insurance products will be part of your membership fees, for just $4.65 a week extra.
有关多媒体专业赔偿及公众责任保险的详情可在此查阅 here, or from 新萄京娱乐 Member Central by calling (toll-free) 1300 65 65 13.
新萄京娱乐正在加强其为自由职业会员提供合同咨询和索赔协助的能力. 新萄京娱乐 lobbies government, 商业和政治世界,这样专业的自由记者就能像他们在大型媒体机构工作的受薪同事一样,有机会接触决策者.
成功地谈判合同——并确保合同得到执行——是自由职业生活的核心部分. 新萄京娱乐的行业团队可以为你提供合同方面的建议,并在发行商违约或不付款时跟进.
新萄京娱乐 has published standard freelance commissioning terms, a model contract if you will, from which you can start negotiating. Of course most publishers will not agree to all the terms, 但这份文件列出了一个最佳实践文件,你可以从它开始,这样你就可以确定什么对你来说是重要的,并建设性地谈判你的立场. 这是一个聪明的商业工具,可以用作委托作业表,这样以后就不会有误解了.
• The 新萄京娱乐 Freelance Journalist standard freelance commissioning terms.
• The Explanatory Guide to the 新萄京娱乐 Freelance Journalist standard freelance commissioning terms.
信任标志有助于证明您作为工作媒体成员的合法性. Only Freelance Pro members will be able to use this mark, which will be a further sign of your professionalism, ethics and integrity. Publishers – and the general public – will know that you understand the 新萄京娱乐 Journalist Code of Ethics and developments in Australian media law. 它象征着你对新闻业最高标准的持续实际承诺,信任标志可以用来推销你和你的业务.
鼓励自由职业会员完成媒体法培训课程. And, like all 新萄京娱乐 Media section members, 你总是可以以大大降低的新萄京娱乐会员费率参加沃克利基金会的专业发展计划. The Walkleys’ training course details can be found here:
新萄京娱乐继续为自由会员提供网络和会议机会(有很大的折扣). 新萄京娱乐继续就自由职业者的工资水平、权利和新闻自由进行游说和活动. 新萄京娱乐正在加紧努力,代表自由职业者集体谈判,利用澳大利亚竞争授予它的权力 & Consumer Commission. 自由会员将继续有机会参加沃克利基金会的活动(包括沃克利新闻奖), the Freelancer of the Year, the Young Journalist of the Year).
Most importantly, 专业自由职业者类别允许自由职业者成员在将更广泛的自由职业者社区发展成为媒体行业创造性专业人士的强大力量方面发挥直接作用.
如果你是一个现有的新萄京娱乐自由职业者会员,你可以很容易地将你的自由职业者会员资格升级到自由职业类别. 如果你还不是新萄京娱乐的会员,很容易新萄京官方作为自由职业会员. Click here to join online. If you prefer, 您可以拨打1300 65 65 13 新萄京娱乐会员中心,讨论自由职业或任何其他会员事宜.